YouTube Video Upload
This webpage is intended for Michigan Medicine Communicators to add videos to the Michigan Medicine YouTube Channel.
Rush Policy & Standard Turnaround Times
Up to 2 weeks - It takes time to add a video to the Michigan Medicine YouTube channel. Please take a look at the Standard Turnaround Time & Rush Policy page
If you have simple edits that you can take care of yourself this could help speed up posting your video in our system. All University of Michigan faculty, staff, and students have access to U-M Adobe Creative Cloud with their U-M university account. Premiere Pro is the industry standard for editing video, but if you are looking for a simpler program that might work for basic video editing you could look at Rush or Express
YouTube Title
You only have 100 characters available for your title (shortened to 70 characters in the search results), so you need to use them wisely.
YouTube Thumbnail
If you don't provide a file YouTube will automatically add a random screenshot from your video.
16:9 aspect ratio, 2 MB maximum file size
The Thumbnail is a picture that shows what's in your video, otherwise YouTube will automatically add a random screenshot from your video. A good thumbnail stands out and draws viewers' attention Learn More
MM YT Thumbnail Template - This link will make a copy of the template in your google account that you can edit for your use case. A custom thumbnail size is 1280 x 720 pixels
YouTube Description
Writing descriptions with keywords can help viewers find your videos more easily through search. You can give an overview of your video and place keywords in the beginning of the description. Learn More
Tagging - Are there tags that you would like to add to the description to help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) e.g. #MichiganMedicine #UniversityOfMichigan
Web Addresses - Are there web addresses that you would like to add to the description to help people find out more information. (E.g. Department, Program or Center web address)
YouTube Visibility & Playlist Important Notice
Important Notice: If you add an unlisted video to a playlist, the public can potentially view it before it is made public. If that isn’t an issue, feel free to add to the playlist wherever it makes sense in your workflow, but if the video is not meant to be public until a specific time or date, refrain from adding it to any playlists until the video is made public.
Read the lightning section of Smartphone Video Guide
Choose a well-lit location, consider setting up by a window or using a task light
How To Record
If you have any questions please contact